Friday, September 25, 2009

School is for the Weak... sorry for the plagiarism Steve!

I am officially registered for classes at AIU in London. We headed down to London yesterday and checked out the school for the first time. I wanted to try my first commute with Rob so if by chance I got lost I wanted to be with Rob. The walk to the train from our house isn’t long at all; at most it is about 15 minutes. The National Rail is the first train I take and it is an hour to get into the city, it isn’t a bad ride at all though. It would be better if I could read on the train but I can’t so I’ll deal. I take the National Rail into Tottenham Hale, which is where I jump onto the tube. The tube is the London underground and one of the easiest forms of public transportation I have ever ridden. I take two separate lines from the first station but it takes about 10-15 minutes. The tube is awesome there are no time schedules for it; you just go down to the line you need to take and then you wait. For all the train jumping Rob and I have done the longest we have waited for a train is about 2 minutes. They run all the time and very frequently. Once I am done with the tube, I walk about 10 minutes through a very nice part of London and it is part of the shopping district so that might be a problem. There is even a mini mall in the tube station that I end in. The school is straight down the street from my station and it is really nice. The area is incredible and is rumored to be a celebrity hot spot. Apparently there are tons of UK celebs that live around there and one of the singers from the group Oasis lives in the building right next to school. The school is a total of 3 buildings including administration. There is the business building and the fashion building. We got a tour of the fashion building and it is incredible. It is full of studios and it has pictures of projects done by the students and during the quarter there will be pieces shown on mannequins in the building. I am only taking 3 classes but they were worth 5 credits each. I will be going to class Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for 5 hours a day. My classes consist of: Garment Construction, Marketing Fashion, and Principles of Design 1. The program is set up that there are core classes that both design and marketing students take so it is easier for them to communicate. I am very excited to be taking some design classes. I have had a couple of ideas before for some article but now I will be able to get them out of my head, onto paper, and then onto a person. As for Rob, he has been working like crazy still, but he has class everyday next week so it will be regular hours. I am going with him on Wednesday, while he is in class I am going to get my license. Big steps are happening over here and we have a busy month coming up, but I will fill you in once it all happens and hopefully we will have pictures. Sorry for all the text.

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