Friday, March 26, 2010

Goodbye for Now!

Well another term has started and the madness has already began. There is so much to be done, but I just wanted to do a short little update. Well this term I am taking Fashion Events, Fashion Cycle, and Targeting Customers. I will update more about school at the end of the term. I will be taking in a roommate for about a month and a half maybe a little longer till the end of the term and right before Rob gets home. As for Rob, he is doing really well and they are definitely keeping him busy, besides the 6 hours of volleyball that he recently played at work. But he is doing really well and just can’t wait to be back. Also, we purchased our plane tickets home and will be flying into Chicago on the 21st of December and will then be driving down to Ohio to spend a week and then driving back up to Chicago for another week. I know this is really far in advance but we found really good deals. Well I will be back in about 10ish weeks when school stops being crazy and I have some time to relax.

As you can see he works really hard :)

And they call it a desert!

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