Sunday, May 31, 2009

Catching you up!

Rob’s first couple of weeks in England has been very productive, or as productive as you can be without a car for the first couple of days.  So yes, we now have a car.  His sponsor sold us his car, so we now have a 1996 Subaru Impreza.

So to everyone that he told that we would not get a manual car, he did.  He has since gone apartment hunting.  He looked at four places on Friday and we found one we liked and it is right by the train station. I will put up pictures once we for sure have the apartment, I don’t want to be over optimistic.  He has also done a bit of site seeing in the towns nearest to base.  As for me, I have gone and sent in my passport application and that will take about 8 weeks, is what I was told.  Once my passport comes in I need to apply for my visa but that will only take about a week.  So as of right now it is just a lot of waiting.  I have sent in my application and did my phone interview with this new school and I was accepted.  Now I need to get them my most recent transcript and work out my financial aid situation. I have done a ton of packing, my closet is nearly empty and I am trying to completely empty it out and try to just put them in my wardrobe.  I have started sending boxes to Paula’s house.  Just a heads up you should start getting them soon.  Lately, it has just been packing.  Although, I did my medical approval to leave the States and I went into school to visit some friends while I was taking care of some stuff.  I really miss being in school and the people that are there.  I can only hope that I meet as nice of people at my new school.  Other than that there has been a lot of time with me hanging out with my Steve and the family.  We have spent a lot of evenings outside and the weekends are mostly outside.  Yesterday we bought pools, one for the boys and one for Xander.  So we blew those up while Steve and his friend split wood.  I’m sure we had more fun than they did.  The weather is gorgeous here right now and it doesn’t get dark until well after 9 o’clock.  Rob starts work on Monday and he should be excited because he is always complaining about how bored he is.  Due to everyone over there being deployed they aren’t working regular shifts.  They work around the flight schedule, so they are crazy hours and longer than usual.  The time difference is hard.  He is waking up as I am getting ready for bed and when I wake up he is getting off work.  So when he is going to bed it is usually the middle of the day.  It makes it hard to do anything when he is sitting in a hotel room wanting to talk all during my day.  But we are making it work.  So the waiting has officially begun, especially since I feel like I have packed more than half of my room up.  

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